What We Do

We make sure that every legitimate and reasonable line item is addressed, argued, and appraised. Often, Insurance companies only initially offer to pay for “piece-meal” projects.


Every Property & Casualty Insurance policy includes costs for “Overhead & Profit” in their premium calculations.

This means that consumers are being charged for the cost of hiring General Contractors and hiring Project Supervisors on every claim.

You are paying full premiums for, what we call, a full pie.

When you experience a loss, your Insurance Company, at best, will likely offer only 83.34% of the cost to make another pie because they will deny that you need a professional restoration company to coordinate and oversee your project (even though you have been paying for this service.)

So, imagine that you bought an entire Apple Pie for $15.00, but when you picked it up you noticed that one slice was missing. You paid for all of it, but 1/6th of the pie was omitted.

You were cheated.

That’s how Insurance claims work in the best case scenario.


We work with Homeowners to level the playing field with Insurance Companies.

"Contract of Adhesion" is a term often used in our industry. This means that since the Insurance Company writes the terms and conditions of your policy, any gray area is to be ruled in favor of the Insured. Don't get too excited though, gray areas do not exist.

That said, we have Administrative Codes and Revised Statutes that protect your rights. Insurance Companies are bound to follow these when presented.

Also, Congress recently passed a law, "IRC Rule 547 (2016), Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts" which disallows an Insurance Carrier from raising any individual premiums or cancelling policies for claims filed on Catastrophic Loss dates."

This means that if your home has been damaged by an "Act of God" (e.g. wind storm or hail storm, etc.) you are entitled to a full replacement of the items which suffered even a partial loss without any tax liability, premium increases, or coverage cancellation.

Even one damaged or blown-off shingle can require a full roof replacement for older roofs.