Since 2009, we have advocated for indemnification when resolving insurance claims. We don't ask for anything to be covered or paid for which is not legitimate and reasonable, and we don't accept anything less.  As Insurance Appraisers, we get the opportunity to negotiate on behalf of hundreds of policyholders and carriers every year.

Every policy contains language mandating an appraisal (similar to “arbitration”) process. In fact, no Insurance Company is allowed to issue coverage anywhere in the United States without it. Few policyholders know about this, unfortunately.

We are experts in this process, and our team of appraisers will represent you. 

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Our company motto is, "Certa Bonum Certamen." This Latin phrase translates as, "Fight The Good Fight."  We will make sure you are indemnified (made whole/ i.e. paid for your loss according to your policy.)